Most of the strategists and military experts considered cyberwarfare
as a force multiplier in the global reshaping of the military affairs.
Preparing for a “cyber Pearl Harbor” we have missed the overall picture
where State and non-State actors use cyber tools to conduct their global
information war.
This paper proposes a broad overview of the concept of hybrid threat
and how it applies in cyberspace. Built to counter a major cyberattack
against our National Critical Infrastructure (NCI), most of the cyber
forces are not well adapted to face the guerilla style warfare imposed
by our adversaries. Based on recent lessons learned, this paper enlightens the challenges and opportunities of countering hybrid threats in cyberspace.
There is, so far, no clear definition of the ‘hybrid threat’ concept
in Western military institutions although there is no longer any debate
about the reality of its existence in cyberspace. Whether one refers to
the 2006 Israeli – Hezbollah war, to the Ukrainian crisis or to the
operations performed by the so-called Islamic State (IS), the global
strategy of the warring actors fully takes into account operations in
Military organizations and doctrines faced with this form of warfare
on and via the networks, which act as a mirror of air-land fighting, are
subject to conflicting requirements. Therefore, structures of force
have to quickly adjust to the persistence of State conventional or
proliferating threats while regularly facing irregular adversaries, and
also take the fifth operational domain of warfare[i] into account.
Read the full story in the CyberDefense Review
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